Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My Meyers Briggs Personality

What's your type?

Have you ever wondered what type of personality you have? I mean you can probably assume what type you think you have based on your characteristics and general mood, but knowing your Meyers Briggs personality is beneficial in helping you grow and succeed in life.

I've taken the Meyers Briggs personality test twice, one year apart each time. It turns out my personality type, ESFJ-T, remains the same. Don't worry, the acronym isn't that bad. 

The acronym stands for:

  • Extroverted
  • Observant
  • Feeling
  • Judging
  • Turbulent

Here are some pictures and descriptions to help you understand what the above words mean in regards to my personality type.


I'm energetic and enthusiastic. I tend to be the life of the party and enjoy being around people.


I'm down to earth, think practically and like living in the moment. 


I'm emotionally expressive, demanding and a little needy. I like listening to problems people are facing and restoring harmony.

By maintaining a "To Do" list, I maintain organization. I prefer structure and value clarity.


I can be a stress ball and somewhat sensitive. I'm a perfectionist and am always seeking self improvement.

Making up only 12% of the worlds population as an ESFJ-T personality type,

Pay attention to me!

I'm known as "The Consul" and Sentinel, which means I'm:

  • Hard working
  • Meticulous
  • Appreciate hierarchies
  • Socially engaged
  • Perfectionist
  • Current with trends
  • Loyal

The Meyers Briggs personality test is backed by psychology and research and doesn't take much of your time. It's a great way to seek self improvement. All of the qualities I posses are great for the workplace and will help me become successful because I can correct my weaknesses through continued self growth and turn them into strengths. Take the Meyers Briggs Personality test yourself. My results were spot on and matched my personality pretty well.

Follow me on social media:

Instagram @stubbyourtoe
YouTube @stubbyourtoe
Twitter @stubbyourtoe 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Submerge Yourself in Your Mind, Not Your Phone

Ways To Become More Mindful

As you're reading this, you might be juggling another task or ignoring a friend. You probably already checked your social media may be wondering what's happening on Snapchat right now.

The act of mindfulness is hard to reach and can be a hard concept to understand. To be mindful means to be aware of your surroundings, thoughts and opinions. To be present and live in the moment, right now. 

Glenn Falls, NY
"Mindfulness, the practice of cultivating a focused awareness on the present moment, is both a daily habit and a lifelong process. " 
 -Carolyn Gregorie, Huffington Post

Taking a daily time decompression, also known as a "snicker's moment," helps cope with physical, mental and emotional health problems. There are many ways to take a break from your busy life by submerging yourself in your mind and not your electronic devices.

Patio of my last apartment

Here are some easy and relaxing ways to Woosah:

  • Meditation (most known)
    • Focus your attention on:
      • breathing
      • an object
      • an image
    •  Control your breathing
      • deep, even paced
    • Find a quiet setting
      • no distractions
      • no excuses, play like a champion
La Jolla Cove, CA

When meditating, you don't have to curl up into some crazy, distorted position while hoping you don't loose your balance and fall on your face. If you're not into yoga, don't worry, there's other options of meditation. They can be as simple as:

  • Walking
  • Hiking
  • Gardening
  • Surfing
  • Drawing/Painting
  • Baking
  • Hanging out at the Beach
  • People watching (one of my faves)

Remember, the point in meditating is to take a break, relax, reflect and gain some perspective. You can't achieve a clear state of Woosah when you're on your smartphone or tablet 24/7. Spending time with nature and yourself is most efficient.

Here are a couple of tips for the start of woosah achievement: 

  • Take breaks from multi-tasking. It's horrible on your snicker's moment.
  • Don't start or end your day using electronic devices. It can upset you early in the morning and ruin your day, or upset you before bed and interfere with your sleep. 
  • Put your devices away when you're with family and friends. Be there in the moment with them and appreciate time.

How do you achieve your Woosah moment? Leave a comment below to let others know. Sharing is caring! YouTube @StubbYourToe

*All photos are mine.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

2016 Leadership Skills

Top 5

We've all had a boss, manager, supervisor or someone that was above us at work that we've had to answer to. I think it's safe to say we've also all had a horrible boss, manager, supervisor or the title rarely used, a leader at work.

To be a leader is an ability only a few posses. They are hard to come by in the workplace. They're either sending witty or dirty emails, telling "Your mom" jokes, or have an inappropriate screen saver on their computer. Generally, the boss man acts the same way as most employees do.

As 2015 races to an end, there are a few solid skills to posses in order to become a successfully respectable leader in 2016. Here are five according to Forbes magazine.

5.     Confidence

4.     Delegate
  • Identify strengths and disburse them appropriately.
  • Maintain fair expectations.
  • Don't abuse your power.

3.     Be Approachable
  • Smile, treat everyone equally.
  • Customize your approach. Get to know your employees and how each one accepts constructive criticism.
  • Maintain your stress level.

Don't be this guy!

2.     Honesty
  • Know the work place core values. Lead by them and your team will follow.
  • Speak the truth and be as open as possible.

1.     Communication
  • Conduct morning/afternoon meetings to touch base.
  • Be clear and concise. Ensure everyone understands your expectations.
  • Have an open door policy.

It's easier said than done. It takes a lot of effort and practice to become a strong, respectable leader that people admire and aspire to be. If you lead by these five leadership skills, you'll be on top of 2016.

Have any crazy work experiences or techniques that have worked for you? Share 'em below!

Check out my youtube channel @stubbyourtoe

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Influential First Impression

What's your tactic?

We've all had that horrible first impression experience, whether you've been on the "nailed it" side or the "noooooo" side. From bad breath to being caught with your zipper down, a joke gone wrong or the inevitable veggie stuck between your teeth, we've all experienced a first impression gone wrong.

Tooth. Brush. Mouth.Wash.

As most of you know, first impressions are everything and they can make or break a potential new relationship (work, friend, adoption, significant other, etcetera). They tend to leave a lasting image engraved in our minds.

Your goal every time you meet someone.
First impressions are the reason why we worry so much about looking, speaking and acting our best when initially meeting someone. There are many tactics to approach the influential first impression.

The soft technique I like to use most often is inspirational appeals.
  • Inspirational Appeals
    • building enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values

There are 3 general outcomes after you meet someone new.
  1. Commitment - Exchanging phone numbers, Instagram, Snap Chat info. "Let's go shopping next week!"
  2. Compliance - Passively accepting an invitation to get together again. "Yea, we should meet up again."
  3. Resistance - You're breath met me at GOOD BYE!
It's especially important to feel a connection with someone. By giving someone a compliment or showing interest in their life I'm able to build a solid foundation for a new relationship based on genuine kindness and inspirational appeals. Assuming I don't plummet and eat dirt.

Thanks for stopping by! YouTube @stubbyourtoe

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

5 Ways of Culturally Communicating

All forms of communication have positive and negative outcomes. Communication can often be lost through technology or just misunderstood.
Yoda knows best!

Communication is a two way street, sometimes multiple streets are involved and messages must be sent, received and perceived in the accurate, intended manner. 

In order to communicate effectively, the sender must accurately communicate their message to the receiver and the receiver must interpret and perceive the message accurately. That's where communication gets tricky and sometimes leaves us confused or irritated.


There are many ways to effectively communicate within our culture, from in person, over the phone, to personal hand written letters and most importantly, social media.

Here are five ways to culturally communicating through social media:
  • Twitter
    • Upload pictures, "Like," "Re-tweet," get involved 
  • YouTube
    • Learn new skills, share blogs, leave comments, network
  • Instagram
    • Upload pictures, "Like," "Tag" pictures, leave comments & sometimes "Borrow"


  • Facebook
    • Upload pictures & videos, "Like," "Tag" pictures, leave comments & sometimes "Borrow," communicate with friends, family & coworkers, network
  • SnapChat
    • Upload ridiculous videos
What's your favorite way to communicate? Are you solely a memes person, or do you throw in a couple of your own words also? Let me know below!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Inspirational Quotes


: a force or influence that causes someone to do something

What is motivation? According to the merriam-webster dictionary, motivation is "the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something, a force or influence that causes someone to do something."

Everyone needs to feel motivated and inspired and we find it from different forms. Music, "To-Do lists" and art are a few things that motivate me. Another motivator I find helpful is quotes.

Here are my top five motivational and inspirational quotes! Hopefully you enjoy them as much as I do and find them to be helpful!

photo cred: self
Just Being Me

This sassy quote by Marilyn Monroe not only motivates me, it inspires me to be myself, love myself as I am and feel comfortable in my skin. I'd rather be known as loud, ditzy and entertaining, than dull.

photo cred: self
Freshly Grown Vegetables From Our Garden

Aspiring to better myself and build my future is important to me. This quote by Og Mandino motivates and inspires me to simply always do my best. To give it my all, 100 percent of the time. The decisions I make now, can and will effect my future.

photo cred: self
Memorial Service for a Fallen Angel

Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel has inspired many people across the world and continues to daily with her brand of fashion and beauty. This quote motivates me to be the best version of me and to always focus on being irreplaceable. This picture is in memory of Major Taj T. Sareen, USMC.

photo cred: self
Road Trip to WI

Who doesn't love a good quote by Dr. Seuss? He's actually quite motivating, and this quote is important to me because it reminds me to always speak the truth and to be the true version of myself. Thank you Dr. Seuss for always keeping me on my toes!

photo cred: self
La Jolla Cove

There he goes again, teaching us valuable lessons! I saved the best for last. This quote resinates with me and motivates me because it reminds me to take good from the bad, learn a lesson in all situations and to stay positive at all times. That's usually easier said than done, but I always try to see the light.

What quotes motivate or inspire you? Share them in the comments below. I'd love to read them! Thanks for stopping by!

Check out my reviews on YouTube! - Stubb Your Toe

Monday, September 21, 2015

Google Search

For quite some time, Google has dominated the desktop search, meaning people have been using Google browser to search from their desktop at home, school or work. It's been the traditional search people have been comfortable using. The new way to search is through the direct use of apps, known as "vertical search."

"Vertical" Search

According to comScore, the ratio for current time people spend on their smartphone versus desktop is 60 : 40, meaning people are using their cell phone devices far more frequently than a desktop/laptop. In such a fast past, technologically savvy world mobile use is dominating our lives and how we search for things we want and need. 

This becomes a dilemma for the advertising industry and Google. Google search lives in our browser, but if 88% of people are spending their time on phone apps versus searching from Google browser, what does that mean for the world of advertising and Google?

Revenue comes from advertising within the search browser. Advertising through mobile apps is a challenge and often leaves the consumer feeling overwhelmed and clutters the appearance of apps.

Marketers will have to explore new advertising options and ways to reach their target market. The challenge to learn how to reach their target market through apps will be time consuming. The paid organic ads that pop up at the top of your Google search are at steak.

Millennials are used to using apps within their cell phone device or tablet. Even at school our youth is being taught using tablets instead of desktops. This poses a threat to advertising revenue and Google search within the browser.

Even though Google still holds first place in the Desktop Explicit Core Search ranking at 64%, browser search, advertisements and revenue are still at risk.

Marketing Through Social Media

3 Easy & Successful Ways

Marketing has been done through print advertising for centuries. Consumers used to read hard copies of books and magazines. Even though research swore print would go away, it's clearly here to stay.

As technology continues to grow, the tangible desire to possess paper copy's of books and magazines has become almost null. Consumers are becoming more compatible with today's technology and trends, even Generation Y.

As customers struggle to keep up with the latest and greatest, marketers continue to follow and find ways to reach their target market. There are many platforms and tactics to use when advertising through social media.

Depending on your target markets age range, these are the top three social media platforms to advertise on with the most daily/monthly users:

  • Facebook
    • June 2015 - 968 million users daily
  • Twitter
    • June 2015 - 500 million tweets daily
  • Instagram
    • June 2015 - 300 million monthly users

Of the twenty something marketing tactics, these are the top three easiest and successful ways to advertise on social media:

  • FAB - Features, Advantages, Benefits
    • Features: What you/product does
    • Advantages: Why you/product is helpful
    • Benefits: Emotional connection; how you/product make the consumer feel

Facebook Ad

  • BAB - Before, After, Bridge
    • Before - Problem
    • After - Solution
    • Bridge - How the customer gets there

Twitter Ad

  • SCH - Star, Chain, Hook
    • Star - Product/service
    • Chain - Facts, Benefits, Sources
    • Hook - Call to Action (get customers info, invite them to the store/website, ect.)

Instagram Ad

Many advertisers use these techniques for brands on social media. They're more discrete on social media than in print. I created these advertisements for a Lush campaign in school. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Thanksgiving Dinner

Vegan and Luscious

As an animal free and cruelty free community, Lush lives to be vegan at work and home. It's a lifestyle we admire and encourage.

The holidays are coming and Lush would like to extend a vegan, but luscious Thanksgiving Day guide to all of our plant-based family and friends!

There are many reasons to try Veganism. Saving animals is a big reason and probably the most known, but there are other reasons that benefit us as humans as well.

Some reasons to go vegan:
  • Trim excess fat
  • Become energized
  • Decrease climate change
  • Avoid contaminated food, GMO's, trans fat...
Here's a couple of recipes to make a scrumptious vegan Thanksgiving feast:

If you're a Lush fan, but also a meat eater, give these recipe's a try. You might end up liking the vegan diet. ...Maybe have someone bring back up options just in case!

For more combinations, check out These 29 Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes.

Thanks for stopping by, leave a comment below if you have vegan recipes to share and visit us at to check out our seasonal bath bars!

Monday, August 31, 2015

How to Accessorize

different metals & styles

Accessorizing can be overwhelming and pricey, but sometimes spending the extra money on a piece of jewelry is worth the splurge. That saying "Get more bang for your buck" goes a long away.

Spend more money on sterling silver or spend hours scrubbing green marks off your skin. 

Here's a few tips on accessorizing and places to purchase good quality jewelry:


  • Choose a simple pair of studs:

    • pearls, diamonds/CZ, silver, gold or a solid colored stud

Tip - Pick one accessory to be your focal point (earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces). Wearing multiple bulky/bold pieces will create an unstructured and confusing look. 


  • Mix Metals & Textures
    • Different textures add different vibes to your look
    • Adds character & originality
    • Sleek & mod looking
    • Can be elegant or bold
    • It's fun & looks great

HRH Collection


  • Keep it simple and classy if you're already wearing other pieces
Simple & Elegant

Simple & Edgy
  • Or make your rings the focal accessory
Midi Rings

Ring Wrist Bracelet

Types of Metals

Places to purchase:

If you have a budget, costume jewelry will work, just take care of it and you might get some mileage out of it. Accessorizing is fun and a unique way to express yourself. Just have fun and remember, you don't have to wear every piece you own at once. Check out bloggers, magazines and Pinterest for fun, fashion ideas and other ways to accessorize.